This website is being developed live, which means that there is some content that is being added or removed. It contains sample listings, which are meant to illustrate the range of buildings in the Marina and Afridar areas. These sample listings are meant as a guide to the neighborhood and are listed separately in the Sample Apartments page. When an actual apartment becomes available, the details are added and the listing goes into the Rental Units page.
All sizes and dimensions are approximate and your contract reflects the apartment that you will be renting. In Israel, the official size of apartments also include parking, machsan (if available) and a portion of common areas, such as staircases and lobbies.
Unless stated otherwise, all tenants assume the ongoing expenses of the maintenance of the apartment, including Arnona (municipal taxes), Vaad Bayit (condo fee), electricity, phone (if you want a land line), cable, internet, gas and water etc.
All brokerage services are conducted by Ashkelon Properties, which is managed by David Zwebner.